Page name: Wolves Call [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-22 22:28:06
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The story:

Wolves are wolves but sometimes wolves can turn into people. And these people are the gifted few who can stop rogue werewolves from killing humans and other wolf packs. No one knows how the first werewolf was made, some say it was luck others say it was gods doing but some do believe it was to so with genes. But what ever it was it seemed to be a good or bad thing depending on peoples personals.These werewolves are born into this world, they first change when they are in there teens. When they hit puberty, the wolf develops in us. They heed the call of the wolf and they change. Now these werewolves can shift at will, like at anytime they wish to, they also have certain psychic powers like mind control and the power to recognize ones life mate. A life mate is an other werewolf or a human. When a werewolf has found there life mate they must take them and complete the bonding so they will be together forever. Now the bonding is taking the life mate three times, twice the normal way and the thrid time the way of the wolf. When a werewolf has found there life mate they become very, very protective of there mate and would lay there own life on the line to protect him or her. Now these kinds of werewolves have NORMAL HUMAN LIFE SPANS! When it's like two days before the full moon the werewolves they become a little strong than normal. They are allergic to silver for some weird reason. Oh and also if fureru de la mort is upon a werwolf then he or she will kill anything even there life mate (thats if they haven't completed the bonding) until they calm down.
She-wolves are VERY rare in packs, they are maybe only like 10 born every 30 or so years. No one knows why but when a female is born she is to go around all the different packs until she finds her life mate. When she dose she is must complete the bonding with the wolf then both packs shall be joined together.


Werewolf hunters think that all werewolves are evil and stuff. So they hunt them down and take them to the Scions which is a holding lab for werewolves. So scinceist can do experiment's on werewolves until they die. They are trying to take the wolf out of the human so they can be normal again. But what is really happening is that Decker the leader of the Scions is really wanting to be a werewolf so he is brainwashing alot people in thinking that all werewolves are evil and they should die.

Okay the aim of the game is to find your life mate, stop rouge werewolves and have normal-ish lives. You mustn't tell any HUMANS the truth about you and your secret of being a werewolf unless your mate is a human then it's fine to tell. Then after that you can just make up your own twists and stuff but please note that onces you have your life mate you CAN NOT CHANGE YOUR MIND AND GO OFF WITH ANOTHER CHARATER!!!

Rules of this RPG!

1. No god modeling, please!
2. No killing each other characters unless you have consent from the other person.
3. The werewolves in this RPG life a NORMAL human life span! They do NOT life for over 500 years, okay?
4. YOUR CHARACTERS MUSTN'T LOOK LIKE A NEKO! Please this is meant to be like real live. When have you ever seen a guy or girl walk around with a tail and cats ear? Well other then for halloween or a party.
5. Put ALL characters in here The people of the pack
6. Put ALL sex scenes in here Bonding times
7. Please ask myself [Tis gone but never gone] if you can join. But if you get an invite off myself then you can just join.
8. All non-RP talk must go in () or []

Username (or number or email):


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2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked at her questionably but shook his head. He didn't know she was a werewolf and she didn't know he was a hunter. He didn't think anything could go wrong.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max shifted and walked out the back door he looked at them

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed a little whistfully."They couple who built this place had six children and were as poor as church mice, but I found some letters and other things, and from what I can tell, they were happy as could be."

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira blushes lightly smiling.

Kuja chuckles lightly.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose sighed and stood up, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house. She draged him until she got into her room with him. It would be the safest place for what she was going to do. She was going to front of Daniel."Now please don't be scared of me, okay?" she looked at Daniel and soghed. Knowing he would hate her and be scared of her.

Gareth nods."It's not about money it's about the poeple you live with"

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella nodded a little,"Definately..."

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Steven shook his head slightly, "Sorry, Anyway the gas tank would have gone in the initial explosion..." He said blushing a little.

Daniel looked at her oddly but nodded, "Nothing you do could scare me Rose."

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth nods."I know I would never be happy with just money. I would miss my sister and my" he mentley cursed himself for almost saying pack to her.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose."Don't be so sure." she took off the necklace he gave her on the bed with her mother's wedding ring and ear rings. She kicked off her shoes then she took off her rest of her clothes."I just don't want to rip my clothes." she mubbles then she looked at him."I'm so very sorry Daniel." she sighed then she shifted into a brown wolf. She didn't look at him. She didn't want to see the horror or fear or hate on his face.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella nodded a little,"I'd give up every penny to have my brother back." She smiled a little,"But I'm glad I got to know him for a while anyway." She sighed a little,"I've though about going back to Second Chance, but..." She shrugged,"Something is keeping me here..."

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth raised one black-ish brown eyebrow."You have a brother? What happened to make you leave?"

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja "well then it was staged"

Kira smiles "maybe we should before we get hurt"

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "We were working in Denver.. He had a gun but he hated to use it. We had to go into the downtown area with the gangs to take some fighting pits and... The leader shot my brother to death... Tried with me, but...I made it into an old elevator with my brothers body and hit the emergency button.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth frowned a little as he listened to her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak awoke and looked around. He wondered just when he would speak with Gareth about joining his pack.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella took a deep breath,"I left Denver and couldn't go back to Second Chance for a while after that.."

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth put his hand on her shoudler."I understand"

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak got dressed and walked around the house.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max sat out side the back step of Roses

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella smiled a little.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel took a few steps back, "Why...WHY?!" He yelled and put his hand on his sword's hilt, "Why am i so STUPID!" He screamed and pulled it out. There was fury and hatred in his eyes, "Your kind destroyed my family..." He said stepping towards her.

Steve heard yelling, "Fuck..." He said. His gauntlet gleamed in the light. He rushed towards the house and snuck through the back door. He saw Max and held up one finger to shhh him.

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira followed quickly after with Kuja.

Kuja held Kira back.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose whimpered softly but she never looked at him. She felt like a monter now...she has never felt like that in her life but now she did.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled back at her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Wait wait! yall at roses, yes?]

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [or gareths...cause Gar`Mak's at Gareths...or is it the same place]

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "You'd better get back home.. I have an odd feeling that your family needs you right now... Weird instinct I have." Dannella said.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: [yeah they are at Gareth's but Gareth is at Dannella's]

Gareth nods."YEs I'd best. I need to see if Rose is save." he put his cup on the table."I hope I see you soon Dannella." he kissed her cheek and walked out the house and to hsi car.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned hearing Daniel

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja speaks quietly "you gonna need help steven?"

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella blushed a little when he kissed her cheek, then went to the door and waved to him.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Time to resuce her! or at least try!]

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth waved back and got in his car and drove back to his place fast.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak heard the commotion, his first instinct was that this was not good! Weather or not he was ready, he was going to try and help. Rushing to their location just in time to see a male pulling out a sword. "Whoa.." he'd say softly. Not knowing weather or not he should...step in. He was unarmed...Looking to the rest...he frowned.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth parked his car outside and walked into the house. He frowned when he heard his sister whimper. He walked up the stairs."Rose?" he asked softly as he walked to her room. He saw men in her room then Rose in her wolf form."Rose..." he saw Daniel with his sword. And he got really anger then he shifted into his wolf form and ran into the room. He stood in front of Rose and he growled at Daniel.

Rose whimpered more.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max ran up to Rose's room and a wolf and whimpered watching from thr door way

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja "screw it" he ran inside and to the commotion to help.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak saw Gareth, the man he'd been looking for all day yesterday. But now was not the was not the time to speak to him. Right now they had to deal with this male holding a sword out threateningly toward Rose.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: [aww yall ruined it! lol]

Daniel looked away from Rose and at Gareth, "Fine, I will kill you both!" he said and pulled the throttle on his sword. He kicked Gareth in the ribs and sent him into the wall. His sword flamed up.

Steven dashed upstairs and slid past Gar' Mak, "Move!" He yelled.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpered in the door way

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira followed after Steven wanting to help but Kuja pulls her back "no kira"

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth yelped when he hit the wall, he got back up to his feet and growled loudly. He wasn't going to let some human kill him and his sister. He ran to Daniel ready to bite him.

Rose saw her brother and she jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. She wasn't going to let Gareth hurt her mate. She growled at Gareth to make him back off.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Put on pause for a moment! Need to do something real quick!]

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: [ hurry up and find your fake penis already! LOL]

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak watched he male rush past him. He knew what he had to do, whilst Rose had her own brother pinned to the ground, he rushed toward Daniel leaping to the side to use the wall as a push off, he launched his body toward Daniel and extended his arms, directing his body toward his midsection to tackle him to the ground and pin him.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth growled at his sister and he pushed her off him. He growled her at her for daring to take his prey! No on dose that to a pack master and lives to tell the tale.

Rose growled back she wasn't going to let anyone hurt her mate even if Daniel did hate her.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked at Gar' Mak but couldn't move in time. Steven was there too. Daniel was tackled but he reacted quickly and swiftly. Gar Mak's arm was on his sword to keep it down and Daniel pulled the throttle melting Gar' Mak's flesh.

Steven grabbed Gar' Mak's collar with his gauntlet and threw him back against the wall, "Don't try that again." He said firmly.

Daniel rolled over and jumped up. He raised his blade over Rose's head but he couldn't follow through, for the first time he couldn't kill a werewolf. Steven rushed over a couple of seconds later, plenty of time for Daniel to kill Rose, and hit him in the stomach with his gauntlet aflame, "I don't want to kill you!" He yelled at Daniel. Daniel kicked him in the stomach adn threw him out the back window then jumped after him.

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja prevented Kira from following not wanting her to do anything stupid.

Kira fought to get free of Kuja "let me go!"

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose saw that daniel had been kicked out the window. She ran out her room, down the stairs and out the back door. She growled at anyone that got in her away. She saw Daniel and she walks slowly over to him as she whimpered softly.

Gareth howled with rage that his sister was going to betray this pack. He ran after her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak's flesh seared in pain. But he didn't care! He lived for this shit! He was a damned cage fighter! So fighting was like food to him! As he was yanked off, he shook it off with ease and watched the two jump out the back window. So he too leapt out the window, sailing directly over Rose’s head and boom right on the ground. “Come on, fight me!” he howled in utter delight.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: Max whimpere dand went and hid under the couch

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked from Gar' Mak then to Steven, "You will both die..." He said with sadness in his voice although the rage overpowered it.

Steven held his hand in front of Gar' Mak, "Don't fight him. He will kill you." He said and stepped forward, "You didn't kill her Daniel. That has hurt you enough." He said showing he enraged brother compassion. That put Daniel over he ran forward and held his blade high. It came down quickly at Steven's head. Steven braced his feet and grabbed the blade with his gauntlet. His feet dug into the dirt, "Get out of here!" He yelled and threw Daniel to the other side of the yard. Daniel tumbled but quickly stood back up. Neither of them were tired in the least.

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira growls at Kuja "jerk >,<"

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella was just heading out when the staitions operator called her,"Sorry to bug you, but everyone is busy, and something wierd is going on out of town.I was told you handle wierd well.." Danny nodded a little, it was true... Hell, to this day she swore up and down werewolves were real... She could remember seeing one when she was little.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak stood still. Death he was not afraid of. All his family, comrades, his pack...they were dead. He'd be glad to greet them in the afterlife. This is a subject he's not spoken to anyone about...period. His little sister? She was first raped by those damend hunters! He just watched Daniel and Steven fight. Waiting...waiting for the right moment.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose growled at Steven but it was the wolf in that was growling not Rose. Rose knew staven was trying to save them but Daniel is her mate and she would save him. She did the only thing she could. She shifted back into her human form....and she was naked. She stood up and looked over at Daniel."Daniel...please listen. It's still don't have to be scared of me..." she held back the tears.

Gareth stormed out the house and ran to stevan and Daniel growling.

Rose saw her brother."Gareth no!" she yells at him as she ran to Gareth knowing he was in fureru de la mort but she didn't care. She had to protect her mate and she would. She tackled her brother to the ground and held him there useing her wolf like strengh."Gareth please."

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Steven knew that look on Gareth's face, "No!" He yelled and grabbed rose in her wolf form by her back hair, "Daniel will handle this. I know my brother." He said holding her.

Daniel ran forward, "Rose!" He yelled and jumped at Gareth, "Just go! I don't want to hurt you!" He yelled and landed next to Gareth.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed a little, saying she;d check it out and got in her car heading out of town-unknowingly to Gareth's house. She frowned a little and got out just after her truck was stopped, grabbing the shot gun.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak looked toward Rose for but only a moment, grinning. Seeing her naked...well that was pleasurous. But his attention turned directly back to Daniel, still waiting for that perfect moment for him to make one mistake...just one, and that's all he would need. Just then, Daniel had gone to Rose, meaning his back was turned to Gar`Mak. So he rushed forward, gaining all the momentum he'd need... Sliding forward on his knees, he'd extend his arm and thrust it forward toward the back of Daniel's knee, hoping to take him off his feet and putting him flat on his back. With one quick motion, his body turned around during the last moment of the slide and got to his feet, prepared for anything.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel fell backwards when Gar' Mak connected with his knee. The punch knocked Daniel on his back leaving his abdomen exposed.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose growled."Let me go, please!" she snapped."I know what I'm doing!" she pulled from Stevan's arms. She ran over to Daniel and Gareth.

Gareth growled in a deathly way and he walked slowly to Daniel. Ready to kill him for trying to kill his baby sister. For trying to take away the only female in his pack. And he knew that fureru de la mort was apon him but he didn't care. Just one bite and Daniel would be dead and Rose would be save. He ran at daniel, seeing he was on ground.He growled and went to bite daniel but...he ended up bitting Rose's arm.

Rose whimpered."Gareth stop...he's my mate. You can not kill him."she didn't care that her brother was hurting her. She just needed Daniel to be safe.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Danella found the fight easily enough by the soung of it. She stared for a moment before snapping back to her senses and pointing her shotgun into the air, letting of a few rounds to make sure they all knew she was definatly there,""What the hell is going on here?" Danny shouted.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak unfortuneltly did not hear it...once within a fighting trance, it was hard to break him out of it just by sound...But when he saw the gun..he let out a very inhuman growl, sliding his foot back a few inches, prepairing to launch himself at the woman with a weapon.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth froze with horror that he has hurt his sister and that he hurted Dannella's voice. He could teast his sister's blood so he pulled back from her. He whimpered softly and licked her wound. It was his way of saying sorry.

Rose winces softly then she petted his head."I know brother." she looked at Dannella."Leave now! This dose not involve you."

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Steven grabbed Gar' Mak by the head and threw him back with his gauntlet, "Are you stupid?!" He exclaimed, "Get the Hell back!" He yelled planting his feet.

Daniel stood up, now furious at Gareth, "Let her GO!" He yelled and jumped to his feet. He rushed Gareth and, grabbing him be the back of the neck threw him against the house. He didn't even see that Gareth had let go, he was enraged.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella let the gun go to the ground, instantly spotting Gar`Mak and knew the look. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him the, :I dare you and I'll kick you where I knw it hursts for a male of any species' look.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak, quick on his feet. Course he was thrown, but he reversed the momentum by sliding on his feet once he landed and leapt toward Daniel, extending his arm and aiming it toward his throat. Cocking his forarm forward a bit, he aimed his inner elbow to clothesline him to the ground. "CUT IT OUT, CALM THE FUCK DOWN." he snapped as he slid, and leaped back to his feet.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose gasped when Daniel threw her brother against the wall. She stood up."I'm fine Daniel." she ran over to her brother and she knelt by him."Gareth?" she whispers to him as she petted him softly. She needed to calm him down so he didn't lose it. Her arm was stinging like mad but she didn't care. Her mate and brother where save so now she could relax a little.

Gareth looked at Dannella with his brown eyes. He knew she couldn't be here, she was in danger. So he stood up and walked into the house after licking Rose's face. He shifted back into his human form and pulled on a pair of pants and walked out the house."Dannella you should not be here." he said calmly to her as he walked to her.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel shook off the blow and stood up, "Don't FUCKING touch me!" He yelled pointing his blade at him and pulling the throttle so flames flew up it.

Steven walked over to Daniel and grabbed his sword with his ignited gauntlet, "It's over..." He said and pushed it down.

Daniel snapped his blade away from his brother, "You sympathetic Bastard. You get in my way again, and i will impale you." He said and walked towards the woods in the back. He needed to think, he HAD to think.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella stared at him,"Hell, fucking, no. Specially not when there's a runner out there about ready to spread the word that some wolf turned into a naked woman, who was then bitten.I want andwers cuase I know the runners not crazy, but I sure as hell need a way to make it sound convincing that he is." She folded her arms over her chest,"And don't you lie to me Gareth Merlot, I've known werewolfs exsist sense I saw one in Second Chance Idaho when I was seven."

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak relaxed, shaking the sensation off, breaking out of hsi fighting state and took a deep breath. Daniel's threatening words not even registering period. His eyes glanced toward Steven as he inhaled and exhaled calmly. "Everything okay?" he'd ask.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth now stood in front of her, he looked down at her."Dannella...werewolves do exsist. And I'm sorry you had to see me in that way." He frowned a little."And see my sister shift. She should know better but things got a little heated."

Rose watched Daniel go...and she wanted to cry but the wolf in her wanted to drag him back and start the bonding with him."Daniel..." she whispered as tears run down her face.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Bow chicka bow wow!]

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I didn't, the frantic guy who called the station did. I'm the one who hand;es the weird,freaky and quite possibly a myth cases..."Dannella frowned at him,"What do I tell my Boss, should I involve you in this or say the people at the house weren't the owners, just messing around in the yard and that I've given a warning for indecent exposure?"

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Daniel took one last look back at Rose before disappearing into the trees.

Steven looked at Gar Mak as though he were stupid, "No, Did you not see what just happened?" He asked, "My brother is a hunter who somehow managed to stumble into a den of wolves, literally, and he fell in love with one!" He shook his head, "No, everything is not alright,"

[XD fucking weirdo LOL]

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."I'll take care of everything, Dannella. I've have some contects that can help me. Now please don't tell anyone about us...about my pack, Dannella." He ran a finger along her cheek."I don't want you to get hurt because of this. Some of the wolves might not like it."

Rose wipped her face and kept her face blank. She showed no emotion what so ever. She turned and walked back into the house. She picked up one of her maxi dresses and pulled it on.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak blinked a few times. "Really now..." he said looking off into the woods. Contemplating on goign after the male...and killing him. He dispised hunters...after losing his entire family, his pack...everything that meant something to a group of hunters. "I know what was going on, but I meant now, everything alright now." he'd restate his question.

2010-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Steven watched him warily, "Yes. Now if you go after him it won't be." He said with a warning tone.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella smied a little, leaning into his finger slightly,"I do not find padded white cells amuzing Mr. Morlet... You and your pack's secret is safe with me until they spread my ashes in the Grand Canyon.... Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find a man who is in need of a lot of psychological help..."

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [That would be Gar`Mak]

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose walked back outside, she sat on the ground and lit up a smoke. She took a deep drag long drag. She would wait for Daniel and he would come back. If not then she would go and find him and make him listen to her. She wasn't going to live on this earth without her mate or she would turn rogue and be like Rafe.

Gareth smiled."Just tell the man to see Rose Morlet. My sister is a very good shrink." he kissed her forehead."Now go and thank you for keeping my secret, Dannella."

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [ This Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find a man who is in need of a lot of psychological help..."]

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak shrugged. Looking toward Rose as she sat down to light up a smoke, he'd walk up to her and stop roughly 3 foot away. "Mind if I get one?" he'd ask.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose held out her lighter and a pack of Richmond cigs."Here."

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [*luaghs* That is true indeed, but she doesn't know that.]

Dannella nodded a little and answered her cell phone,"Ya Boss, I checked it out... No, don't waste the gas. Nothin out here. If the poor guy is that serious that he saw a wolf turn into a human, he needs help..." She picked up her shotgun and started to her truck,"Yeah, well.... It;s a bit hot out, he might not have been hydrated."

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak took the pack of smokes, taking two, one behind his ear and one between his fingertips. Placing it between his lips he lit it up and inhaled, creating a hot cherry at the end, and handing her the lighter and smokes back. "Thanks." he'd say.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose took back her cigs and lighter. She nodded as she put them next to her. She took another drag, her eyes never left the spot where she last saw Daniel. She could smell him...his scent was like heavan to her. She wanted to go after him but she knew that he needed to be on his own for a bit.

Gareth watched Dannella go and from that momment he knew that she was in fact his mate.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella luaghed a littlem"Riiiight.... Well, you know me, alwasys knowing where the head docs are if you want to give him a name.... Oh bite me." She rolled her eyes and got in her truck after checking the safty on the shotgun and started it. She waved to Gareth and started off.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak looked toward Gareth. Taking a deep breath, he sighed and took a puff of his smoke. STrolling toward Gareth, he stood beside him. "Sorry if I overstepped my bounds with your business." he'd say.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth waved back to Dannella as she drove away. He turned to Gar'Mak."You did. You stuck you nose in buisness that is Morlet business not yours. Now if you where in my pack I would have forgiven you but since your not..." he didn't get to finish what he was going to say cause he heard a female sniff. He looked at Rose and he frowned. She looks so small and childlike. She looked just like when there parents died by those bloody hunters. So depressed, upset, heartbroken. But this was worse for her because she has lost her mate. He sighed sadly and walked over to her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed. He didn't mean to! He was just...well in a rush of excitement, like he always does around violence. Listening to the man, he would of responded, but the man never finished. He watched him walk over to his sister. So he remained there, he'd need a moment alone with his again now was not the time to ask.

2010-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella went back home, deciding to take the rest of the day off and maybe even call in sick the next day. She wanted to go down to aquairium, or something like that, but not alone, so she settled on closing all of her shutters and watching old movies.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth sat down next to Rose and put his arm around her."Rosie." And with just saying her name Rose dropped her cig and hugged him tightly and started to cry. Gareth held her close. He promised himself many years ago that he wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt Rose but he had hurt her and so has her mate. He kissed her head and held her close.

Rose held onto her brother tightly as she cryed. She lost her mate...and now she was going to be alone in the world. She knew she had the pack but that wasn't enough for her. She needed her mate...every werewolf dose. She shook as she crys.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak watched the two. He couldn't help but smile, past memories of he and his baby sister, holding her in his arms just like that when she skinned her knee, her her arm. She was such a tomboy! He took one step forward toward them but stopped. He didn't know what to do...what to say. He was at a lost for words. Such a beautiful female like this shouldn't have to be harmed, shouldn't have to be hurt emotionally...but what could he say? He was a fighter...there had to be something! So quickly he pushed back into his past memories, trying to find anything he could say.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose moved so she was now sitting on his lap, she curled up to Gareth as she cryed. She knew her mate could come back but he might want to kill he tryed to do earlyer. And as she remember that she cryed harder as she shook.

Gareth wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. He didn't try to calm her down, he knew that she needed a really good long cry. And he would let her. He would give Rose anything she wanted and she wanted a cry and for her brother to hold her. So he did. He would find Daniel and make him understand that Rose isn't dangous and that she wasn't a monster just that she was his mate. He would do that for Rose. For his baby sister because he loved her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak finally stepped up to them and sighed. "Again, I know this is probably a bad time. but I'm deeply sorry for interferring in your pack's business...I just didn't want to see such a beautiful female hurt...or worse." he'd say with a half frown.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth looked up at Gar'Mak."I know that and Rose was in no real danger." Than a broken heart, he thought."But your a good fighter so if you wish then you can join my pack. Thats if you don't have one already." he held Rose tightly as she cryed

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. "I do not have therefore I'd like to join...and if you'll allow me...I know it may be too forward. But I'd like to protect her." he'd say. Sitting down beside the two, he'd pat Rose on the back. He didn't know why he made this soo forward motion of showing care for her...maybe it's because...deep down...he was a nice guy.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."Your now in this pack but I will think about letting you protect Rose."

Rose crys louder as she hid her face on Gareth's chest, she was holding onto him in a death grip.

Gareth."Go into the house and choose a room."

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. "Okay." he'd say patting Rose on the back one more time. Then he'd stand up and walked inside. He knew where Rose's room was, so he'd try and get a room near case Gareth decided to allow him to protect her. Finding the perfect one, just a few doors down from hers, he entered it and looked around before sitting on the bed.

2010-04-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth held his sister as they are sitting on the grass in the back yard.He held Rose tightly in his arms to tell her that he was here for her and that he always will be. He kissed her head.

Rose held onto Gareth tightly as she cryed. Daniel has left her and she may never see him again. She has lost her mate maybe for good now or he might just kill her. But she was glad she had her pack and her brother with her.

2010-04-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak took a deep breath and sighed. Falling back against the bed, he'd stare up at the ceiling. He had a family now, well sort of... With a soft smile, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling through his nostrils. He might even stop cage fighting...he did after all, have enough money maybe it was about time to have a change in life.

2010-04-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira stormed back home to Kai a extremely pissed that Kuja wouldnt let her help but she couldnt stay completely mad for too long she knew he was only doing what he thought Kai would have done. Her and Kai were like brother and sister.

Kai looked up from his work "you guys ok?"

Kuja nodded quietly siting down and stretching.

2010-04-26 [WASHACKED]: [Soooo what I miss??]

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i have no idea 0,0]

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: [XD nice]

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [Well you saw the epic battle with Daniel, Steven, Gar Mak, and Gareth, and a couple others maybe >.> but basically since then Rose has cried and Gar Mak joined the Morlet pack lol]

Daniel walked through the woods for a long time. He thought about everything he had done in his past. How he had killed at least a hundred werewolves already, "She will never have me." He said quietly. He wanted to keep walking but his legs turned him back. He was walking back to the house, unconciously.

Steven stood in the backyard, "This is too much, even for you, Daniel." He said, "I will kill you myself, in the name of our mother and father who died to save us." He said clenching his gauntlet.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira eeped falling out of a tree in the woods that Kai had told her multiple times not to climb on.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven looked out and saw someone falling from a tree, "Crap." He said and ran into the forest quickly, "Hang on!" He said and slid under the tree catching Kira in his arms.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled "Hi again ^^ dont tell kai he'd have a fit"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven nodded and smiled at her, "So, what were you up to way out here?" He asked.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "climbin kai says i shouldnt i'll get hurt"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven grinned, "You never know 'till you try. You learn anything?" He asked.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggles "i need to watch my step on the 6th branch up?"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth picked up Rose and carried her into the house as she crys. He carried her up the stairs as the rest of the pack members look at Rose with worry. He sat on Rose bed and held her close.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel saw steven and knew he could not let him see him. He sneaked past him and climbed up the side of the house. He threw a ball into the room down the hall from Rose's room. The ball bounced around and made a huge commotion.

Steven nodded, "Precisely." He said and chuckled a little. He forgot he was still holding her in his arms.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: [OK so where is every one now?]

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled not minding being in his arms, in fact she felt safe and that she belonged, she giggled "Maybe tomorrow tree maybe tomorrow"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [Daniel is hanging off the side of the house and Steven and Kira are in the back in the woods.]

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth held Rose tighter in his arms as he heared the commotion."I won't leave you Rosie."

Rose held onto him tighter as she sobs.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven nodded and glared at the tree playfully, "Yeah, tomorrow for sure!" He said with a chuckle.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled unconciously layin her head on his shoulder "of course"

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max was still hidding as a wolf under Rose's couch in the living room having ran under from being scared from the fight. He had fallen to sleep

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose crys more."I'm gonna turn into the next Rafe, right? Cause I have no mate."

Gareth kissed Rose's head."I won't let that happen. You go to sleep." he used his powers of mind control to make Rose sleep. His eyes glowed a little as he looked into Rose#s eyes. He layed her on the bed and he walked out the room.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven smiled and held her happily in his arms, "Mmhmmm..."

Daniel slid open the window once Gareth left. He slipped in as quiet as possible and knelt by the bed. what now... he thought to himself.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max's tail stuck out from under the couch as he sleept

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: ROse sleep as the tears on her face start to dry.

Gareth walked down the stairs and starts to make Rose her favorite cheer me up meal.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai grumbles as he walks towards the tree "darnit kira i told you no dont play on the tree how is it im the adult but she's older?"

Kira smiled back whispering softly mostly to herself "i totally found my mate"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel leaned over her and kissed her softly on the cheek, "I'm so sorry Rose..." He whispered and a tear fell from his face hitting her cheek.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose still asleep from Gareth's mind control.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max's tail wagged a bit and you could hear a slight bark from under Rose's loving room couch

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai "kira!"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel leaned over her and shook her slightly then whispered, "Rose, It's Daniel."

Steven smiled at her. He did like her after all.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth cooks for Rose, he would awake her up after he has finished cooking.

Rose sleep still

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "eeps its kai"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel sighed and didn't know what to do. So he did what any normal stalker would do. He went to the other side of the room and sat in a chair. He pulled a thin cover over him and his chair so that he could still see.

Steven looked out, "Do you want to run?" He said willing to run with her in his arms.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth finished cooking and he knew that Rose wake up now. He carried the tray up to her room.

Rose woke up with a little moan."Gareth?" she mubbles.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggles "nah he just worries gah he acts like a pack leader but he wont let all the wolves he takes care of to be a pack we act like one" she smiles "we want him to be our leader"

Kai chuckles "I see you're safe kira fine then"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel breathed lightly not moving a single muscle. He felt a sneeze coming in his nose but he fought it back.

Steven looked at Kai, "Yep, she was...hanging out..." he said with a chuckle.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai raises his brow "Not climbin a tree?"

Kira >.> <.< "No i was not ^^"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose frowned a little then she growled."Oh he is so dead! he used mind control on me." She pouted.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: "BWACHOOO!!!" Daniel sneezed and leaned forward. The cover flew off of him and he sat in the chair. His sword was still on his hip but he didn't reach for it. He just sat there leaving himself vulnerable.

Steven chuckled a little, " I said 'hanging out' not climbing trees." He said emphasizing on the hanging out part.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai chuckles "behave kira"

Kira "hey hey hey im older than you kai" she giggles "i shall do as i please"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose eeped softly as she jumps. She looked over at Daniel and she froze. She didn't move, breath, blink or anything. She was wondering why he was here but then she looked at his sword and thats when she moved. She lowered her head and sighed."I know why your here. So you'd best do it before I turn into a rogue." Her voice was calm, emotionless.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven chuckled and looked at Kira in his arms, "Are you enjoying this?" He asked with a smile.

Daniel stood up and pulled out his sword as he did, "Close your eyes...This won't hurt." He said as he walked over towards her.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back snuggling close "very much"

Kai chuckles "good for you kira"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose closed her eyes and waited for him to kill her. She wasn't going to stop him. If she was to die then she would rather it to be at her mate's hands and not that of Rafe or anyone elses.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel threw his sword across the room and knelt down to her level. In one swift movement he kissed her deeply.

Steven lifted her a little so she was at his chest, "Well, now what?" He asked with a smile.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak heard the sneeze and jumped to his feet. "What the..." he'd whisper softly to himself. Looking around, he knew it wasn't in his room. Rushing to his door he opened it up and looked around. Nothing outisde...nothing at all. Maybe he was just being paraniod.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose froze for a seocnd but she kissed him back as she wrapped her arm around him.

Gareth was at Rose's door but he smelled Daniel's scent then he walked away back down to the kitchen. He knew his sister would be just fine. He chuckled a little as he walks to the kitchen.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max was still under the couch at Roses sleeping when Gareth had walked to the kitchen he had steped on his tail that was poking out from underneth Max yelped and you could hear him hit the couch

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "err well hmmm" she looks at her watch "at this time i would be tryin to set kai up on blind dates but now we should i dunno what do you want to do? ^^"

Kai "dear lord thank you for distracting her"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth frowned as he put the tray on the table. He walked back to the living room and sniffed a little.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and you could see his tail go under the couch

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak decided to exit his room. A soft yawn passed his lips as he caught a scent passing Rose's was Daniels scent. Stopping right at her door, he'd listen for a moment. Instead of going gung ho over this, he'd make sure she wasn't in any danger.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth shrugged when he couldn't see any wolf pups then he walked back to the kitchen

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned and poked his head from under the couch looking around

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel slowly put his arms around her back and pulled his lips from hers. His sword ignited sending the scent of fire and oil through the air because the throttle hit the wall and slid down.

Steven looked at her, "Well, we could go out on a date." He said with a smile.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira blushed smiling back "sure"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose smiled at him."Why did you come back? I thought you hated my kind?" she frowned a little. She could smell something a little off. But her nose wasn't as good as the others in the pack.

Gareth sniffed."What the...?"

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max snissed from the dust that had been under the couch

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked into her eyes, "I was stupid. I do not hate your kind, I hate Rafe. I love you Rose."

Steven smiled and bounced her up in his arms, "So, where do you like going?"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose smiled at him."I love you too Daniel." she kissed him as she trys to work out that scent she could smell.

Gareth shook his head a little

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled giggling "i like goin to the park"

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max sneesed smelling the fire and oil scent he sneesed again he looked over seeing Gareth in the kichen and he started to go back under the couch

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak heard them talk, even though it was kind of invasion of privacy, he had to make sure. Once he knew everything was hunky dorey, he'd stroll on off down stairs, and into the kitchen. "Oh, hello Gareth." he'd yawn.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."Hello..." his mind was far away."Do you smell fire and oil?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. "Everythings fine...I guess...I dunno it must of came from Daniel's sword. After I smelt it, I stayed by her door to make sure everythings okay....but I heard them talking. She said something along the lines of 'I love you.' to him." he'd answer.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max watched them from his spot half under the couch and half put now

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: The sword died out and the smell dissipated eventually, "I want to be with you Rose. Even if it means going against everything i believe and everything i have done, I need you Rose." He said to her.

Steven nodded, "Then thats where we'll go." He said and started a slow jog back towards town.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles "sweet"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth blinked."He's in her room?"

Rose smiled at him."I've been waiting for you my whole life, Daniel. A wolf isn't complete with out his or her mate and your my mate. I need you more than anything else." she says to him.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked into her eyes and put his hands on his shoulders. They were really close to her neck so if anyone were to suddenly burst in it would look like he was going to choke her. [hint hint...>.>] His eyes narrowed seriously, "Rose, I want to be with you not because you need me for your mate, but because you want me as badly as i want you." He said quietly, "Do you want me too?" He asked looking into her eyes.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max just wached Garth and Gar'mak talk

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded softly. "From what I heard....they were all lovey dovey and shit." he'd answer sitting at the table and yawning again.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose looked into his eyes."I do want you Daniel. Always and forever." she smiled.

Gareth nods."I think I'll just check on her. For some reason I don't trust that hunter." he walked out the kitchen up the stairs.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max jumped back as Garth missed his paws him hitting the couch

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak stood up and followed him. "I don't trust him either..." he'd say, trying hard to act like he wasn't hiding something...then again...he wasn't good at it.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and slid his hands up her neck and started pulling her towards him, "I'm sorry for this..." He said motioning towards his insignia of the hunter on his arm.

Steven started a slow run, "So, I'm going to show you a place that i enjoy ok? It is in the park too."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nodded "sounds good"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose moved to him."I don't care. You've nver hurt my pack, so it's fine."

GAreth walked into Rose's room and growled when he saw that Daniel had his hands around her neck."Now your really dead, hunter." he started to shake as he held back his inner wolf.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel stood up quickly and got into a defensive Jiu Jitsu stance, "No! You don't understand!" He yelled at him.

Steven entered the park and took a back hill road that was unknown to anyone but him. It led up a hill that over looked the lake, "Here we are..." He said smiling.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak saw it too. With a deepened snarl...he pushed back, pressing himself against the wall, preparing to pounce. No matter if Daniel said it wasn't what he thought. "I'll have your fucking head HUNTER." he snarled.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose got off the bed and stood in bewteen them."Gareth back off now!" she snarled at him."He wasn't hurting me or trying to kill me." Her eyes where glowing as the wolf was close to coming out to protect her mate.

Gareth's eyes where glowing too."Rose...he was chocking you. Now move aside so I can teach him a lesson."

Rose growled."Then you have to get threw me first." she wasn;'t going to back down.

2010-04-27 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned hearing he went up stiars and watched from the door way

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled brightly "wow its beautiful!"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel sighed, "I will not let you hurt her by hurting me." He said and switched to Jeet Kun Do, his more aggressive fighting style, "Come if you must, but i will not fall her, for her sake!" He said bouncing on his toes.

Steven nodded, "Yeah...I used to come here a lot. I used it as my place to think, no one else has ever been here before. It just seems cut-off from the world, ya know?" He said.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose and Gareth just look into each other's eyes as if they where talking but not speaking.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak grunted. All he needed was an open space...all he needed was for Gareth to move the fuck out of the way. No matter what Daniel said...he was going to do everything he could to rip the mans head off. THe only way to stop him...kill him, knock him the fuck out..or Gareth orders him to stand down.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira nodded sitting at the edge of the Lake "i always thought i'd never find my mate" she smiles "then again ive spent most of my time tryin to help kai find his"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel watched him carefully. He wouldn't give him the chance to attack. He dodged to the left and jumped off of Rose's bed with a flying superman punch headed straight for Gar Mak's face.

Steven sat next to her, "Fate sometimes thrusts people into your life when you least expect it." he said smiling at her.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth nodded at Rose as they both calm down."Very well sister." he walked out the room."Gar'Mak leave then be." he walked down the stairs.

Rose sighed and turned to Gar'Mak and Daniel.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back leaning against Steven "guess that means i should stop forcing people onto Kai? yea i guess he'll find someone soon enough"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak noticed Daniel leaping toward him, to punch him. Yet Gareths words told him to stand down. So he did the only thing he thought resonable. He stepped to the left just before Daniel could punch him and caught his fist. His stance was no longer violent, it was docile, And he didn't grip it either. The punch if landing would force his hand against the wall. Snarling in pain, he made no move to attack back, he was more...well...he was more protecting Daniels hand from breaking against the wall...or forcing Gareth to have to patch it up.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven nodded and leaned her head back a little. He kissed her deeply.

Daniel pulled his fist back and let Gar Mak un pin his hand. [bed]

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose."Stop it now, please!"

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira blushed furiously as she kissed him back.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed a little as she blankly watched the movie on her television. She got up, pacing her living room as she tried to figure out what to do.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel backed off of him, "I am not your enemy." He told him then turned back to Rose. He embraced her and whispered, "I'm sorry." Into her ear.

Steven pushed against her lips a little more then pulled away and smiled at her.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira was still blushing furiously "wow..."

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